Data preparation and coregistration after data acquisition

Author: Hadi Zaatiti

In this notebook, we shall do the initial data processing of the raw data generated by an MEG experiment. Prepare the following files to go through this notebook: Prerequisits: Obtained from the laser scan:

  • Headscan basic surface .txt

  • Headscan points .txt

Obtained from the KIT-MEG machine:

  • Marker measurement (x2) .mrk

  • MEG recording con.

Environment: Have MNE with all dependencies installedc From these files we will n .create .fif files, the base file format for MNE

In a terminal, run the following command, the following is an example on Windows CMD terminal.

mne kit2fiff
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.3447]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

(mne-1.6.1_0) C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\meg-pipeline\docs\source\4-pipeline\notebooks>mne kit2fiff
WARNING: Imported VTK version (9.3) does not match the one used
         to build the TVTK classes (9.2). This may cause problems.
         Please rebuild TVTK.

(mne-1.6.1_0) C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\meg-pipeline\docs\source\4-pipeline\notebooks>


Place the two .mrk in the Source marker 1 and Source marker 2, then in Sources, place the .con in Data, the head scan .txt in Digitizer head shape and the head scan points .txt in Digitizer Fiducials

image2.png You should now see the head scan, markers and scan points. Press the SAVE FIFF to save all the data within a .fiff.

Let us now load the .fiff within python and check its structure of the .fif

%matplotlib inline
import mne
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

raw ='C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\mne_bids_pipeline\data\meg\sub-01_01-eyes-closed-raw.fif')

raw.plot(duration = 15)
Opening raw data file C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\mne_bids_pipeline\data\meg\sub-01_01-eyes-closed-raw.fif...
FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 5
      2 import mne
      3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
----> 5 raw ='C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\mne_bids_pipeline\data\meg\sub-01_01-eyes-closed-raw.fif')
      8 raw.plot(duration = 15)

File C:\ProgramData\mne-python\1.6.1_0\Lib\site-packages\mne\io\fiff\, in read_raw_fif(fname, allow_maxshield, preload, on_split_missing, verbose)
    502 @fill_doc
    503 def read_raw_fif(
    504     fname, allow_maxshield=False, preload=False, on_split_missing="raise", verbose=None
    505 ):
    506     """Reader function for Raw FIF data.
    508     Parameters
    541     are updated accordingly.
    542     """
--> 543     return Raw(
    544         fname=fname,
    545         allow_maxshield=allow_maxshield,
    546         preload=preload,
    547         verbose=verbose,
    548         on_split_missing=on_split_missing,
    549     )

File <decorator-gen-179>:12, in __init__(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, on_split_missing, verbose)

File C:\ProgramData\mne-python\1.6.1_0\Lib\site-packages\mne\io\fiff\, in Raw.__init__(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, on_split_missing, verbose)
    103 next_fname = fname
    104 while next_fname is not None:
--> 105     raw, next_fname, buffer_size_sec = self._read_raw_file(
    106         next_fname, allow_maxshield, preload, do_check_ext
    107     )
    108     do_check_ext = False
    109     raws.append(raw)

File <decorator-gen-180>:12, in _read_raw_file(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, do_check_ext, verbose)

File C:\ProgramData\mne-python\1.6.1_0\Lib\site-packages\mne\io\fiff\, in Raw._read_raw_file(self, fname, allow_maxshield, preload, do_check_ext, verbose)
    185     check_fname(fname, "raw", endings)
    186 # filename
--> 187 fname = str(_check_fname(fname, "read", True, "fname"))
    188 ext = os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower()
    189 whole_file = preload if ".gz" in ext else False

File <decorator-gen-0>:12, in _check_fname(fname, overwrite, must_exist, name, need_dir, verbose)

File C:\ProgramData\mne-python\1.6.1_0\Lib\site-packages\mne\utils\, in _check_fname(fname, overwrite, must_exist, name, need_dir, verbose)
    261             raise PermissionError(f"{name} does not have read permissions: {fname}")
    262 elif must_exist:
--> 263     raise FileNotFoundError(f'{name} does not exist: "{fname}"')
    265 return fname

FileNotFoundError: fname does not exist: "C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\mne_bids_pipeline\data\meg\sub-01_01-eyes-closed-raw.fif"

Coregistration after KIT2FIFF

Coregistration involves aligning the MEG sensor axis, with the axis of the MRI headscan.

Different transformations can be applied during this coregistration:

  • Scaling: making the head bigger or smaller to adjust to the volume of the system

  • linear transformation: this involves translating the head scan to match the center of the MEG helmet

  • rotation

Non-linear transformations are not used in MEG coregistration.

You have MRI anatomical data of the participant

In this situation, the participant has had his head scanned in the MRI. Get the MRI ID of the participant and cross check it in the .csv file on NYU BOX, since the ID of the participants in MEG is different than the one in MRI.

T1w scans are needed and provided as input to the HPC brainsegmentation freesurfer pipeline. The MRI Lab team will provide you with the complete segmentation output folder, however this will not contain the BEM/FEM model needed for source localization.

At this point you can follow the tutorial on computing the BEM prior to proceeding.

We are now ready to coregister the participant head scan with the MEG sensors positions.

You can run the following script to launch a mne coregistration GUI

[ ]:
import mne
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
import sys

app = QApplication.instance()  # checks if QApplication already exists
if not app:  # create QApplication if it doesnt exist
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)

    subjects_dir=r'C:\Users\hz3752\PycharmProjects\mne_bids_pipeline\data\anat\outputs\PostFreeSurfer\T1w',  # contains a sub-folder for subject

The MNE Coreg GUI is open at this point, if it is the first time you open the GUI you will get the message that there are no fiducials that have been found in the bem directory. In such case you will now need to set the fiducials
There is basically three points that needs to be set:
  • the Nasion

  • the LPA: the left pre-aucular

  • the RPA: the right pre-aucular

Set each one of them and then save the fiducials. A file called sub-id-fiducials.fif is then created in the bem directory At this point you will see the digitized headscan from the laser scan, with the MRI headshape.

Apply the Fit fiducials and then the Fit ICp algorithms to match respectivaly the HPI coils markers and headscan with the three points previously.

Perform any additional translation, rotation that can seem needed to have the best alignment.


You do not have the MRI anatomical data of the participant

(Add part how to use fsaverage, to match a generic headshape to the positions of the HPI coil markers)


We now have the necesary .fif files to perform the source localization. You can now proceed to the source localization notebook.

[ ]: